Hindusthan Chemicals Company (Formerly known as Cyanides & Chemicals Company) is an unit of Hindusthan Engineering & Industries Limited, a Kolkata based, well diversified, multi-locational, multi-product corporate sector. The Company came into existence during 1982. The company produces cyanides and cyanide based products, from grass-root level. The Company is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company. HCC is a Government recognized One Star Export House. The Company has In-house R & D, recognized by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research and developes various Hydrogen Cyanide based products indigenously. The products developed in the R & D have always been import substitutes and are of greater importance in the domestic and international markets.
The Company exports their products in larger quantity to developed and developing nations throughout the globe for the usage in Gold Mines, Agrochemicals, Pesticides, Weedicides, Herbicides. Pharmaceuticals, Bulk drugs & Drug intermediates, Anti-septic preparations, Heat treatment, Electroplating industries , tyre and foam industries etc.
The Company has strong commitments in quality, reliability, consistency and professionalism in responding to customer needs and nations pride.